
Module 1
UX mobile application
Design features for mobile devices. Designing interfaces for IOS and Android.

Types of devices. How app design differs from website design.
Practice. Forming the concept of the project.
Practice. Working with references, CJM.
Design process.
Stages up to the release of the final solution.
Practice. Prototyping.

Module 2
Basic patterns.
Navigation. Basic patterns.

The user’s path in the product. How to choose the main thing and place the functionality in the main screens
Download screen, onboarding, tooltips, blank screens, notifications
Practice. Working with navigation.
Practice. Working with onboarding.
Mobile prototyping.
Prototypes of mobile applications and the features to keep in mind.
Practice. Working with forms
Practice. Working with blank screens.

Module 3
Mobile application UI

Components and structure of screens
Practice. Forming a design system.
Practice. Working with the design system.
Animation in mobile applications.
Basics of animation, principles, examples, practice.
Practice. Animation in Figma.
Practice. Animation in Protopie.

Module 4

Forming a case study of the application.
Practice. Case shaping.

Practice. Preparing an animated case.